• Montreal, Canada
  • don@saintesecritures.org

Chapter 3 60 Nevertheless, as the will of God is in heaven, so let him do.

Chapter 4 1 Then took Gorgias five thousand footmen, and a thousand of the best horsemen, and removed out of the camp by night;2 To the end he might rush in upon the camp of the Jews, and smite them suddenly. And the men of the fortress were his guides.3 Now when Judas heard thereof he himself removed, and the valiant men with him, that he might smite the king's army which was at Emmaus,4 While as yet the forces were dispersed from the camp.5 In the mean season came Gorgias by night into the camp of Judas: and when he found no man there, he sought them in the mountains: for said he, These fellows flee from us6 But as soon as it was day, Judas shewed himself in the plain with three thousand men, who nevertheless had neither armour nor swords to their minds.7 And they saw the camp of the heathen, that it was strong and well harnessed, and compassed round about with horsemen; and these were expert of war.8 Then said Judas to the men that were with him, Fear ye not their multitude, neither be ye afraid of their assault.9 Remember how our fathers were delivered in the Red sea, when Pharaoh pursued them with an army.10 Now therefore let us cry unto heaven, if peradventure the Lord will have mercy upon us, and remember the covenant of our fathers, and destroy this host before our face this day:11 That so all the heathen may know that there is one who delivereth and saveth Israel.12 Then the strangers lifted up their eyes, and saw them coming over against them.13 Wherefore they went out of the camp to battle; but they that were with Judas sounded their trumpets.14 So they joined battle, and the heathen being discomfited fled into the plain.15 Howbeit all the hindmost of them were slain with the sword: for they pursued them unto Gazera, and unto the plains of Idumea, and Azotus, and Jamnia, so that there were slain of them upon a three thousand men.16 This done, Judas returned again with his host from pursuing them,17 And said to the people, Be not greedy of the spoil inasmuch as there is a battle before us,18 And Gorgias and his host are here by us in the mountain: but stand ye now against our enemies, and overcome them, and after this ye may boldly take the spoils.