• Montreal, Canada
  • don@saintesecritures.org

Chapter 8 25 For while I live I will speak, and so long as I have understanding I will answer.26 O look not upon the sins of thy people; but on them which serve thee in truth.27 Regard not the wicked inventions of the heathen, but the desire of those that keep thy testimonies in afflictions.28 Think not upon those that have walked feignedly before thee: but remember them, which according to thy will have known thy fear.29 Let it not be thy will to destroy them which have lived like beasts; but to look upon them that have clearly taught thy law.30 Take thou no indignation at them which are deemed worse than beasts; but love them that always put their trust in thy righteousness and glory.31 For we and our fathers do languish of such diseases: but because of us sinners thou shalt be called merciful.32 For if thou hast a desire to have mercy upon us, thou shalt be called merciful, to us namely, that have no works of righteousness.33 For the just, which have many good works laid up with thee, shall out of their own deeds receive reward.34 For what is man, that thou shouldest take displeasure at him? or what is a corruptible generation, that thou shouldest be so bitter toward it?35 For in truth them is no man among them that be born, but he hath dealt wickedly; and among the faithful there is none which hath not done amiss.36 For in this, O Lord, thy righteousness and thy goodness shall be declared, if thou be merciful unto them which have not the confidence of good works.37 Then answered he me, and said, Some things hast thou spoken aright, and according unto thy words it shall be.38 For indeed I will not think on the disposition of them which have sinned before death, before judgment, before destruction:39 But I will rejoice over the disposition of the righteous, and I will remember also their pilgrimage, and the salvation, and the reward, that they shall have.40 Like as I have spoken now, so shall it come to pass.41 For as the husbandman soweth much seed upon the ground, and planteth many trees, and yet the thing that is sown good in his season cometh not up, neither doth all that is planted take root: even so is it of them that are sown in the world; they shall not all be saved.42 I answered then and said, If I have found grace, let me speak.43 Like as the husbandman's seed perisheth, if it come not up, and receive not thy rain in due season; or if there come too much rain, and corrupt it:44 Even so perisheth man also, which is formed with thy hands, and is called thine own image, because thou art like unto him, for whose sake thou hast made all things, and likened him unto the husbandman's seed.45 Be not wroth with us but spare thy people, and have mercy upon thine own inheritance: for thou art merciful unto thy creature.46 Then answered he me, and said, Things present are for the present, and things to cometh for such as be to come.47 For thou comest far short that thou shouldest be able to love my creature more than I: but I have ofttimes drawn nigh unto thee, and unto it, but never to the unrighteous.